01 - Resuscitation - 2 Person (SLSA)

4.5 (10 ratings) 2210 students viewed
  • Olivia Harvey
  • First Aid


  • 1
  • 03:59 minute(s)
  • 24/7 access
    15 day money back guarantee

Course Description

Resuscitation - 2 Person is an interactive video refresher which can be used for annual Skills Maintenance and Bronze Medallion training.

This interactive video course has various questions embedded throughout the video which are designed test memory and challenge recollection of learning points.

This course is merely a refresher designed to remind and trigger previously known course material in preparation for annual skills maintenance activities and does not replace your Surf Lifesaving Club organised annual skills maintenance. You will still need to attend these and demonstrate competency in the respective award.

An interactive poll may appear at the end of the video asking your opinion of this new format and technology.

This content can be viewed on smart phones, tablets, laptops or desktops.

If you have any questions or problems please provide as much information as possible including time, device used, o/s, lesson name and issue, and email support@tappned.com. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.


  • 01 - Resuscitation - 2 Person
    03:59 minute(s)


Olivia Harvey, Learning and Development Coordinator

Learning and development resource coordination for Surf Life Saving Australia.


Average Rating
  • 70%
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